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Beyond Boundaries

I observed portion of a class session of “Beyond Boundaries,” taught by Sharmila Mukherjee. The topic of the class was the rise and spread of monotheism, especially Christianity. It is clear from observing her class that professor Mukherjee is an experienced educator who knows her way around the classroom.
Professor Mukherjee used a PowerPoint presentation and was adept at leading the discussion so that it does not meander aimlessly. There was an internal logic to the topics that were chosen, and professor Mukherjee presented them in a coherent and engaging manner. From my experience teaching this course, I am aware that students’ interest often flags, so I believe that professor Mukherjee did an admirable job.
In summary, from my observation, professor Mukherjee is a skilled and able instructor and an asset to the department and university.
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Beyond Boundaries

I recently observed Sharmila Mukherjee teach a HIST 233 Beyond Boundaries: Global History class. In this lesson, Professor Mukherjee taught a lesson about medieval religiosity. The first eleven minutes of the lesson began with an overview of ancient religiosity including polytheism and early Christianity. Professor Mukherjee then segued into a lecture on the origins and activism of monks in different religious traditions of the Late Antique world.
Professor Mukherjee also interjected personal observations and experiences throughout her lecture and discussion. This made some of the more material more relatable to the students. Based on eye contact and note taking, students appeared to be engaged, and some of them made comments. The atmosphere of the class meeting was professional and purposeful. Professor Mukherjee also encouraged her students to develop lifelong habits of reading.

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